Storytime with Belle Reservation
Miami Little Theatre, in partnership with Westco Home Furnishings, is excited to invite you to Storytime with Belle! Storytime is at the Miami Public Library Sept 16 from 10:30-11:30am. And storytime is only the beginning! COME SEE "Beauty and the Beast" at the Coleman Theatre, Sept 21-23 at 7pm and Sept 24 at 2:30pm. Please use the form below to reserve your time with Belle!
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Name of child or children attending *
I want the VIP package for $25. With this magical VIP pass, your child will get to meet Belle one-on-one and take a photo. The package also includes a gift bag with Beauty and the Beast memorabilia and a "Be Our Guest" child ticket to see Miami Little Theatre's "Beauty and the Beast" at the Coleman Theatre! *
If yes, how many VIP packages do you need?   *
Please pay online by clicking this link

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